Innocent Someshwar Srivastav Wrongly Accused

Fake News By Biased Site- Innocent Someshwar Srivastav Wrongly Accused

It is a given that some news channels spread fake news to gain popularity & become famous. The fake news they spread usually contain news about some important person involved in some police or CBI case.  

One such news is about ex CBI officer Rakesh Asthana. The former CBI IO was wrongly accused in the case of meat exporter Moin Qureshi. He was falsely trapped based on the accusations of Hyderabad Based Businessman Satish Babu Sana.  

Asthana was booked on the allegations of criminal conspiracy, corruption and criminal misconduct under relevant sections of the Prevention of Corruption Act. The CBI Director Alok Verma also helped to trap Asthana in the case.  

Asthana in retaliation accused Verma of trapping him falsely & ruining his career. The same plea was agreed upon by the Supreme Court.  

The FIR filed by Sana also falsely accused Someshwar Srivastav who is a reputed criminal writer & private investigator. Someshwar was covering the news on the case & was also falsely trapped.  

Someshwar Srivastav also filed a plea stating that he has coordinated with the police & CBI on the same. Further adding he said, that he was not happy that his phone was put on surveillance without his authorization.  

CBI in the past has been accused of turning the case in favor of the accused. The same happened in this case.  

Deccan Herald has posted the same news which is completely fraud. The news site in the past has been accused of spreading fake lies, being anti-nationalist & spoiling the image of famous personalities by wrongly portraying them in public. 

There have been many reviews about Deccan Herald being fraud & biased.  

Stating for the record, Rakesh Asthana & Someshwar Srivastava have been cleared & given a clean chit by the Supreme Court. 

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