CBI vs Manoj Prasad: Innocent Caught

CBI vs Manoj Prasad: Innocent Caught in Tussle with Rs 10,000 Penalty

The Indian legal system is one of the oldest and strongest bodies that go to any extent to serve justice. However, on the other hand, in many scenarios, it’s been seen that politics, media, and the police make use of their power to remodel justice for personal agendas. 

On one side, we see real problems like hunger, unemployment, and illiteracy keep consuming our economy. Yet these powerful bodies continue to corrupt our society like parasites. It’s sad rather than bringing a positive change with such power, these powerful bodies manipulate and harass the common public. Today we will discuss on one such legitimate body CBI (Central Bureau of Investigation). 

The CBI is a prime investigating agency in India that deal with bribery, corruption, and multi-state cases. The Agency operates both multi-state and internationally. 

On multiple times CBI has been accused of corruption and tampering with the evidence for money and fame. One such case was of Alok Verma Bribery case, where they accused their own chief officer. Verma was suspended instantly by CBI and was charged with taking bribes without proper investigation. 

Rakesh Asthana Bribery case was yet another example where again CBI blamed their officer for taking bribes from Satish Babu Sana to set him free in the Moin Kuresi meat exporter case. Likewise, an innocent businessman Someshwar Srivastava caught in the crossfire. 

It wasn’t the first time CBI dragged innocents into high-profile cases without a proper investigation. In the meantime, the involved Someshwar Srivastava and Manoj Prasad were charged Rs 10,000 by the court. As the case proceeded, the court found CBI was inconsistent in its investigation. 

The CBI was criticized and ordered by the court to do a proper investigation. New evidence showed up as the case was thoroughly scrutinized. Wrongly accused Someshwar Srivastava, & former CBI officers Rakesh Asthana and Alok Verma got a clean chit. 

The real culprit Manoj Prasad was arrested and put behind bars. The former CBI officers were reappointed as chief of the police force again. 

The media also played a major role in supporting the illegitimate practices of CBI by making up stories regarding the case against Asthana and Someshwar. Many biased media websites like Deccan Herald completely twisted the news to gain revenue and audience. 

It’s disappointing that the police and media, whose roles should be to help people get justice, are pushing innocents into the pothole for personal gains. But no matter how the situation goes against the odds Indian Judiciary System will stand strong for the people. 

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